Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home for Good

Pam is home. Exhausted of course, but home none-the-less. Thank you so much to her "sisters" in the OBX, that took her in and babied her for a couple of days. Unfortunately, it was too cold/windy for them to sit on the beach, so they took advantage of a great clearance sale at Belks. ;o) Thank you so much to my sister for sending us a Honey Baked ham & a carrot cake. It lasted through 2 great meals and still had left overs for a soup.

Thank you all again for your prayers. May the Lord bless each of you with peace, strength and wisdom.

My two oldest daughters made me so proud. They stepped in for Mom without hesitation. Cooking, doing laundry, and getting the "little ones" off to school. All the kids worked together as Team Johnson. Mom didn't have to come home to a disaster. (A sure sign of great mom)

Love from a greatful husband and father

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