Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thank you!

Dear Friends

Thank you ALL so much for the donations given to us to take to the Ethiopian orphanage in Soddo. We are excited about how many cans of FORMULA we get to take that will truly help to feed hungry kids.

I was so honored to be able to speak at the Kitty Hawk UM Ladies Luncheon yesterday (25th) and they blessed me with items to take too! It was wonderful!

A Special thanks goes to the Nags Head Monday night Women's Cell group! They helped with lots of formula, baby items and a wonderful gift to help pay for the overweight charges for all of these donations!! Praise God we can take this to them.

Thank you Nags Head Church for ALL of your love, support, gifts of donations for the orphanage. Thank you for loving us, and accepting our new members of our family home!

Thank you all!

Blessings, Pamela

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yes, thank you for the formula to take to Soddo. Our little guy is there and you will likely be feeding him until we are able to go get him! So Thank You!

(Just so you make the connection, you are making us the little boy doll through Etsy. :-) We can't wait!)