Saturday, April 18, 2009


Our family just had some great fun with some "old " friends this past week! Not "old" as in old age wise (you can thank and pay me later for that L and N!!) but old in years as friends.
N and I go back over 35 years.

I am so blessed to have her as one of my oldest dearest friends.

We have the type of friendship that we pick up right where we left ed off- even if it is several months later. We also keep each other and our families in prayer.

As N's husband L is the Pastor of a church over 12 hours away, we do not see each other often at all- but when we do, we have a ball!!

And this trip was not exception!
Thank you both so much for the laughter, prayer, love, support and just plain fun we had!
Please come again, it is hard for us to travel with 7 kids!!!

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