- I spent last Saturday at 3 different kids' soccer games.
- Our schedule calendar had only about 3 days with nothing on it for this month (No wait, that's just being a big family!)
- Yesterday, Pam went to watch the sunrise at the beach with a couple of her close friends (Imagine a beach chair, some hot coffee, warm sun, a cool morning breeze & good friends).
- Our dog, who normally hates the outdoors, (We sometimes call her Miss Princess) takes about 10 minutes to do her business now before she decides to come back in.
- The boys are wearing shorts and sandals to school.
- Kids at school are starting to get into more and more trouble (The girls are telling us about drug busts, bomb scares, fights- and these are "good" schools)
- I'm wearing shorts and sandals everyday now.
- We only have 3 weeks before we go to Ethiopia!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Life is Good!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Can you Help?
Juan and I plan on leaving for Ethiopia in about 2 and a half weeks. We will be bring home 3 children.
On our trip over, we have 2 large suitcases and 2 --35 gal Rubbermaid tubs.
At this point, we have about 1/2 of one suitcase for our 5 sets of belongings for the week-
This is OK- as we can wash over there, and really do not need much.
All this is to say, we have a LOT of donations that are going over to 2 orphanages, to bless them.
From my speaking engagement, and from a wonderful ladies Bible study, we have rec'd $100.00 toward the overweight charges.
From what the airline is telling us, the charges will be between $300.00 to $400.00 for 3 of the 4 suitcases going.
(we are going to try to keep 2 suitcases at the correct weight, but...)
If you can donate any toward the overweight charge, please just use the donate button on the side bar-
Every penny of the donations will be used for the charges, and if we receive more than what is needed for the airfare, we will go to the orphanageand find out what they need the most and buy that in Ethiopia, to bless them that way.
WE thank each one of you for your love and your support in this process.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thank you!
Thank you ALL so much for the donations given to us to take to the Ethiopian orphanage in Soddo. We are excited about how many cans of FORMULA we get to take that will truly help to feed hungry kids.
I was so honored to be able to speak at the Kitty Hawk UM Ladies Luncheon yesterday (25th) and they blessed me with items to take too! It was wonderful!
A Special thanks goes to the Nags Head Monday night Women's Cell group! They helped with lots of formula, baby items and a wonderful gift to help pay for the overweight charges for all of these donations!! Praise God we can take this to them.
Thank you Nags Head Church for ALL of your love, support, gifts of donations for the orphanage. Thank you for loving us, and accepting our new members of our family home!
Thank you all!
Blessings, Pamela
It is the last week of Apr and May is just around the corner... Soon, we will have a new banner on the top of this blog!!! With 7 little Johnson's. My heart is bursting with love and I just can not wait to go get Justin, Gavin and Zoe'..... I know that they are waiting for us too.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sat --Apr 25th
I am going to tell my story, and talk about adoption. (no real surprise there!!)
Oh, and it is just for ladies!
Pamela Dawn
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
N and I go back over 35 years.
I am so blessed to have her as one of my oldest dearest friends.
We have the type of friendship that we pick up right where we left ed off- even if it is several months later. We also keep each other and our families in prayer.
As N's husband L is the Pastor of a church over 12 hours away, we do not see each other often at all- but when we do, we have a ball!!
And this trip was not exception!
Thank you both so much for the laughter, prayer, love, support and just plain fun we had!
Please come again, it is hard for us to travel with 7 kids!!!
Let's Move Some Mountains.........
What do you believe? And, where do you believe?
In other words, is your belief merely an intellectual acknowledgement or do you really have it on the inside – in your heart?
I am coming to the conclusion that we really only believe what we are able to manifest.
For example, we say we believe God will provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory (Phil 4:19), but that belief necessitates a stepping out and acting as though it were true.
And most of us don’t want to step out until the need is met, which of course doesn’t require faith.
I don’t think we are manifesting in our lives much of what we say we believe.
But we can change that.
We must first be honest with ourselves and then align ourselves with God’s Word.
The Bible says the just shall live by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.
And faith without works is dead - Empty talk.
It may be impressive talk, but dead nonetheless.
Kind of like a fresh bouquet of red roses that looks pretty, but is dead when not connected to the life source.
I think a lot of us have that kind of faith - fresh cut roses.
It looks promising, even smells nice, but can produce nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling.
We need faith that is connected to the heart, rooted and grounded in love, born of the Spirit, carried by His Word and tested by the circumstances of our life.
We need faith that will move mountains.
I’m ready for this and I am going for it.
Want to go there together? Blessings, Pamela Dawn
by Michael Pink
1. Scripture.
James describes the care of orphans as being “pure and faultless religion.”
The prophet Jeremiah laments that there are men among God’s people whose evil has no end.
Their evil deeds are the sin of omission.
They DO NOT plead the case of the fatherless to win it. “Should I not punish them for this?” he asks.
The minor and major prophets declare that the Father hears the cry of the orphan, and the church, who has His heart, can no longer ignore that cry.
2. Missions.
Our mandate as the church is to “go and make disciples."
If we were really serious about making disciples, we would start with the people group most ready to receive the gospel.
Orphans are the #1 people group on the planet most ready to receive the gospel.
Their cry is to be saved, cared for and loved by the kind of compassion that only the Savior brings.
We must start seeing orphans as 143 million opportunities to make disciples for Jesus Christ. And let’s make sure these disciples have food, clothing, education and medical care. We are not doing our job if we don’t.
3. Terrorism.
Terrorism grows out of poverty and in response to oppression. If the church were proactive and on the healing side of children’s lives in the poorest of places around the world, we would prevent the argument of terrorism from taking root in a potential recruits heart.
The modern state has a military response to terrorism.
The church is called to use other weapons - that of compassion and love.
Caring for orphans is one of the best ways to proactively fight terrorism. Let’s lift the burden from the backs of these children, and offer a better way to live. If we don’t do this, someone else will offer the promise of life, and it may involve a gun.
4. Accountability.
One day the church will be called to account for how we use our resources. When there are 143 million abandoned and orphaned children in the world and the church chooses NOT to respond, we stand exposed before a Holy God who demands justice. How is it even possible for the church - the redemptive community on the planet, called by God to be His hands and feet - and 143 million abandoned, orphaned children, without love or basic care, to exist on the same planet? We are without excuse.
5. Awakening.
I see people waking up to the issues of justice and being on the healing side of problems in our one and only world.
We need to see this world as a gift from a loving and holy God who desires the end to the abuse and abandonment of His children.
We are created with the dream of beauty, wholeness, and justice, given us by God.
When the church decides to act in harmony with God’s intentions, we find ourselves waking up to be the church God has designed us to be.
Check out: World Orphans
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thanks Giving
Pam and I have more things to be thankful for than would fill this page, so I'll just hit a few things. We are thankful that we have God to give thanks to. He is not a concept, a theory or wishful thinking... He is GOD ALMIGHTY.
He is the creator and sustainer of all that was, is and is to come. He has given us all that we have, all that we need, and all that we ever imagined. He also hears our thanks giving.
We are thankful for our salvation. Without our salvation nothing else would even matter and there would be no reason to be thankful. We are thankful to God our Father and Jesus our Savior for the salvation of our Christian children.
We are thankful that God not only hears our prayers, but he invites us to pray to Him and then he answers our prayers. He doesn't always answer them in the way that we think that He should, but He answers them.
We are thankful for all 12 of our children. We are thankful for the 3-2-B ours. (3-Who-R ours, now). We thank Him for making it possible to eventually bring them home and for the blessings along the way to take away some of the financial burden. (Whohoo!! Yeah!!)
We are thankful for our Church Family, for our birth families and for each other. And...we are thankful for our blog readers. You all give us encouragement and strength. May God bless each of you with Love, Joy, Peace, and prosperity.May Jesus' name be praised.
Monday, April 13, 2009
More New Kids on the Block!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Completely Off the Subject.
The other day I dropped my daughter off at high school after an early morning dental appointment. On the way back to the car, I hear a noise that catches my attention and I see a kid raising the school's American flag up the pole. There wasn't any military flag detail there; there wasn't reveille music playing; and he didn't seem all that interested in what he was doing. But I stopped dead in my tracks, faced the flag, took the position of attention and fought the urge to salute. When the flag reached the peak and he secured the lanyard, I went on my way. I laughed inside myself later at how automatic that was and yet I knew exactly why I did it.
I've been out of the Air Force now almost 15 years after serving 15 years (I was blessed with an early retirement) which was after 17 years as an Army brat, and I realize some things will probably never leave me...
Pride in my country
Pride for my flag
Anger when I see someone fly a raggedy, ripped and torn old American flag.
I still almost come to tears when I hear the national anthem.
I fight the urge to salute a military officer when I pass one in uniform.
I fight the urge to stop and pat a soldier on the back or shake his/her hand in public. I do sometimes just say "Thank you for serving." (I imagine as I get older the urge fight will stop and the patting will begin - I'll earn the right with my grey hairs)
The people of this country aren't perfect, the governing bodies aren't perfect, and the economy isn't perfect, but it's mine and I love it...warts and all.
If I had a chance to do it all again - serve in the military, I'd do it in a heart beat!
No other occupation, other than the ministry, that I know of is described as "in" when asked, "What do you do" I am "in" the military. No other occupation that I know of is described as "served" when asked, "What did you do?" I served in the... (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard) Somewhat like the ministry, the military serves the greater good. They don't always do it right, and they don't always know what or why they are doing it, but they do it for this country.
America Bless God!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Please Continue to PRAY
It seems that there may be an issue at the new job offer, with Juan being able to travel with me that week. When the job offer was made, the HR person, seemed to think "that it would be fine to have a start date a week later so that Juan could travel to bring the kids home." Now, we have found out that the bottom line- IT is not ok- and they wanted Juan to start earlier- (poor communication on their part but...).... Please pray that it will become... "ALL is well!!!-- We know that God is in control. We also know that God wants us to come to him in prayer and ask for what we want and what we need. We really need this job. Please be in prayer for this job for us. Thank you - Blessings, Pam
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
5 minutes ago, I got off the phone with the Minerals Management Service for the Department of the Interior.
The Financial Specialist position in Herndon VA (DC Metro Area)
Sad to have to leave the OBX, but all who know the area know the reason.
This is ONE roller-coaster ride!!?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Please be in prayer for our adoption "court date" tomorrow Apr 8th.
We do not foresee any issues or problems. WE are asking the Lord for the path to be made straight and easy for this process.
Hopefully, by tomorrow night, we can post the beautiful pictures of our children.
Thank you for your prayers, love, support and concern
the Johnsons
Monday, April 6, 2009
Roller Coaster Ride
Now as I'm learning that, I much prefer the roller coaster...highs,lows, twists and turns and all. At least I'm going somewhere. This is not to say that I've become all wise and perfect, I've just become a little wiser and am trying to learn from my mistakes. Getting off the merry-go-round is not as easy as it would appear, but when you do, you're grateful.
Now, please know that riding a roller coaster is not for the faint of heart. Being a living for Christ, dying to one's self kinda Christian ain't for the cowardly. The rides to the top take work and humility. It's slow and tedious. You can't see where you're going, you just know you're going up. That stop at the peak is a respite and the view is breath taking. But as on any roller coaster, it doesn't last long. I'm learning to recognize that. I don't look forward to the descent with delight, but I know it's coming sooner or later and I know that Jesus has His arms around me to keep me from falling out of the car. The maturing Christians are those with their hands raised up high as they go screaming down the other side. Why? They have their hands up praising the Lord the whole way. The LORD is worthy to be praised at all times!! Hallelujah!!!
Rick said something like this... "Either get out of the car or put your seat belt on"
Sunday, April 5, 2009
real life
The wash is done, the kids are fed,
Juan is taking the girls off to Youth group.
The boys are up the road playing on their rip sticks. -- That one I have a hard time watching-- one of the boys is going to just break a leg, or something...
I know, spoken like a true parent!! We are such a normal (well, maybe not normal!!) but normal family- kids in soccer, 3 different teams, 3 different schools, cleaning, errands, we have it all too.
We have worked so hard at finding ways to raise the funds to adopt the kids. To help raise the awareness of our friends and family of the huge problems facing widows and orphans all over the world.
Sometimes, I just feel tired.
I am so thankful that my God does not get tired.
I love and serve a Huge God, who knows of all of these issues in the world.
I am just overwhelmed at the magnitude of the vast numbers of the orphans in the world today.
We are so all connected-we are all part of the same world, we breath the same air- we are part of each other.
I am not sure that we as Americans really understand that.
I want to do so much more for this problem,
but I don't know what to do...
I am speaking at a ladies Sat luncheon at the end of the month. If you would like to come and hear my story, please email and I'll give time and place. It is on Apr.25 .
Please continue to pray that Juan finds a job. We believe that God knows and is not surprised by the economy here, and that He knows the job for Juan. If anyone knows of any openings, please let us know!
Rick talked about the roller coaster ride this morning in church- where are we on it?
Are we on it?
I am- and I'll stay on it..
I am not at the bottom, nor am I at the top- our lives are so full of ups and downs.
And so much just plain LIFE...
We are studying the life of Moses.
Now, he had some real ups and downs!
I am so glad to read what God did for him, and I know that God will not do any less for His children today.
I think that I maybe on that coaster, on the ride up the BIG incline- when I reach the top- OH BOY, the ride will be wild! I am God's and He is mine.
So this blog is mostly just Pam rambling ;)
I am not really sad- I am just overwhelmed at the issues.
How do we help? What can we do? Step #1- help raise awareness of the issues.
Blessings, Pamela Dawn
Friday, April 3, 2009
Why Adopt from Ethiopia?
Why Adopt/And or HELP People from Ethiopia?
-One in ten children die before their first birthday
-One in six children die before their fifth birthday
-44% of the population of Ethiopia is under 15 years old
-Half the children in Ethiopia will never attend school.
-88% will never attend secondary school.
-Ethiopia’s doctor to children ratio is 1 to 24,000.
-Ethiopia has approx. 4.3 million orphans and the country is twice the size of Texas.
-Per capita, Ethiopia receives less aid than any country in Africa
Blessings, Pamela Dawn
I won this wonderful camera from Jill's Blog!
Canon EF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 II
Standard Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras
I will also receive the camera (red) bag that can hold camera, two to three lens, film, filters, etc. Of course you will receive the manual too :)
I am ALL ready to take some really amazing photos!!!!!!!!
Juan has a wonderful camera (from my daughtor- you saw that right- from my daughtor!!- He just knew how to take better pictures, and so the camera was always in his hands-- I am excited- NOW we both will have camera's and will not miss any of the pictures that we have missed in the past!!--- WOW-!!
Did I say that this will go with us to Ethiopia???
Only several more days until "Court day"- and hopefully travel in the first part of May- ;)
Go visit Jill's blog- here is the link again. (tell her Pamela Dawn sent you her way!!)http://forevernevernalways1.blogspot.com/
Pamela Dawn
Thursday, April 2, 2009
We are waiting to ADD 3 more!!
Links the I support "Adoption Tax Act"

Go See Jill ---She has a GREAT GIVE A WAY!!!
Go visit a wonderful blog -- An adoptive mother of 8 kids-- She shares from her heart, treasures from the Bible, her everyoday life, kids, you name it Jill writes about it- and wonderfully so. She has a great give -a-way everyweek, and this one is to die for-- Oh, don't enter the give a way, I want to win it---hahaha-- I need this wonderful camera for my trip next month to Ethiopia!-- only kidding Jill.......not.....
Really, friends, go see Jill!