Sunday, October 18, 2009

Birthday Girl!

Our youngest baby girl had her first birthday celebration. They never celebrated birthdays or anniversaries in their culture. I think there were a lot more important things living and surviving for the day and thanking God for another day of life. Because they didn't celebrate birthdays, they don't even remember what their birthdays were on the Ethiopian calendar. The Ethiopian calendar has 13 months and their year is 6 or 7 years behind ours.

Each of the kids in the family get to pick what's for dinner. "Z" chose Buffalo wings and fries. She's a girl after my own heart! We couldn't find any spicy ones at WalMart, so we added on generous doses of Texas Pete! Everybody but Mom and "D", that is.

1 comment:

Irma said...

Happy Birthday Z, I can't wait to get to know you over the years!