Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Here we go again!

I have missed the blog so here we go again! The Johnson's have stayed busy. Justin is now playing soccer on a travel team. He LOVES it! I guess we as his parents love it- I love that he is doing well and he loves it! We do a lot of car travel these days.... The youngest kids ( Jaden, Zoe and Davis ) are playing soccer also- This fall their birthdays fall so that all 3 are on the same team (9 and 10 year old's ). In the Spring we will go back to 2 teams for them and Ana plays for school in the Spring- Boy soccer is fun! Joey is back to his skate board and doing lots of jumps. We have a wonderful dog now. Her name is Daisy. I will attach her picture. I hope that you all come along for the ride! Blessings, Pamela


Unknown said...

Glad you're back. I was pleased when it popped up in my reader. Hope you are all well.

Della said...

I'm so glad you're back. I too was happy to see your post pop up on my reader. You have an amazing family.